
Sunday, September 22, 2024

22-9-2024, Grown up

 Grown up  

Cast politics that believes in organisation strength fail to learn many times. Souls migrating to distant shores with the depth of oceans separating them from each other don't belong to the cast. The boat man rows gently many times against the flow jest believing in the dreams and that's how he has got there. The lady back homeland has fought the battle and loosened herself by standing the ground of a women's dignity, building her strength, she has never believed to extract the motherland's  reservation or precious pearl to uplift her. She believed she is her parents and brother's princess , a priceless posession for them. She is not disavantaged but is showered with the best her loved ones can. Her capality to understand and navigate the world she has taken up and walk the path she must. The path clears as she walks. She has never in her life availed the cast reservations to get to where her belonging  started. However looking back at the societal conditions and with her lens developed after going through the ruffled turmoils rough seas, a picture emerges. Of a travel alone , where we are not alone. The sharp cuts and damages she created for herself. Left in the rough seas with a light sail supporting her , which tore apart and gave up on her many times. She drowned in Tears that entered between her shattered pieces. Her parts floated held together by her two little cutie pies who took in her apathy and stress. May be we left the Indian shores before it could crumble us completely and had the time space to recuperate. A deeper understanding of human conditions and importance of communication, building a complete regenerated organ from a fragmented one, Remembering our base- the green planet ,  the beautiful designs and architecture our culture exudes, the importance of subculture accomodation and finally i am able to recognise my civilisation. Thanks God for your providence, holding me, carrying and lifting me enough to find civilisation from this journey through the depths of Tears above the ocean bed. The journey through the forest where I found myself shouting Screaming throwing myself into the fire. But my dear the fire cleaned the path for me to glide up and get a zoomed out bigger picture of the wild thick dense dark forest where light gets sucked into, to add to the darkness. The chaotic games of betrayal, greed, supremacy, envy, hurry bury to establish, money providing strength and a proxy to human bonds, disharmony, illhealth and misery. I am back on the ground having a close look at the tree i walk by and wondering how unconditionally giving the tree is. The zoomed in picture gives me the strength to keep going. I owe them so much. God bless this mother earth with its green cover and light blue sky. The bright sunshine and cool moon shining not ruffling the soothing tender breeze settling us to rest brings in the so much needed Peace πŸ‘πŸ‘©‍⚕️

Monday, September 9, 2024

 Citizens of my heart

Humbled by your coming back
Sparkler of my heart
I sense you belong to me a lot
We traverse the distance of space
The crafted chambers of darkness
Collapse and repair may be 
The journey of finding myself in U
The mirror held to shine light
I am truly honoured 
I am told heart has 4 chambers
You opened the upper chambers 
I c the space between us more clearly
Our positions and our spaces
Grateful for cutting the sharp corners 
Realise the role you have shaped for yourself in me
Making me more responsible and authorised
To hold myheart in esteem 
The subtle mild pure Note emerged
The flowing tune and the pull i sense
I know the belonging that cropped up
Out into the gracefully held back heart
It doesn't gallop like a horse anymore
But sings a sine cosine wave
I now know it's a destination arrived
Enroute still on the tracks and air
The story of survival in the wilderness
Humbled and seeking blessings
To be held and able to move on
I saw the glittery stars at dawn
Signing us off to this travel of heart
God be with us as we go along.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Coming home

Coming home 
It's where my heart is 
To take in my heart 
I traverse the distance 
Under the rule of nature
 Go past the hindering frequencies
 Likes speak the same jargon
 I love the wandering clouds 
The birds formation on their flight
 The tender breeze on my face
 The heavenly showers
 Cooling the land down
 Bathing the grass and the birds
 They wash clean the surface
 The cleansing and healing
 Of my heart I am going back home
 Where I hear the birds 
 Crying, squeaking, chirping, calling 
In their language not foreign to me 
The butterflies flutter
 Moving my heart
There is a gentle breeze
I keep my heart safe
 The little lamp burning 
From the lash of tides
That once damped it down
Praying with all my might
 For all that which keeps me going
 Thanks for the air I take in
 With the sounds and sights
Of such lovely beings
Who are in my home
A lukewarm heart
Where there are no aggressions
The rain drops tinkle
The streams they make
Carrying the old flowers away
My heart sings afresh with the rain drops
The heavens have shown
The magic of connection
 Brings alive my loving home once again.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

A crumb of me


                                                            Ask not a Crumb of me
May be it's the falling apart
Not able to hold it all together
The beautiful bits and pieces
With the spiky heavy gory ones

To put it all together
With a beautiful hem and stitch
And gift it to that caring me
I stand ready for the world

Not to be torn apart
But to be dealt with care and concern
I am careful about the sharps
Thrown at me in the struggle

To get a crumb of me
Gone are the dead days
Of numb and hardness
The quest to offer my world

That little part but not the parcel of me
And brighten the darkness
With the Light of God sent sparkler
The Gory and beautiful parts of me

Burns the flame in my heart
God sends me the torch
To look for those harmful loose fragments
That brings all the noise and rattle

The transform with poise and composure
Withstand the wind that could blow down
Keep the flame and torch burning
I bow down in reverence and gratitude

For the river grace flows
Watering my heart and soul.


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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Inward Journey- Recount

 She was a talkative young girl who lost her voice some- where along years of growing up. In fact she used to be once called a chattering granny in kindergarten by her teacher who found it delicate dissuading the little one from revealing her home details in class before other children. It remains shrouded in mystery when and why she turned into a shy, introverted, enigmatic person.

Looking back and shredding memories to fine strands, the lady struggled with clouded consciousness grappling with the past life events. Edifices of her character did not go with her present actions. The impulses that brought her down in the eyes of her loved ones were alarming. Most weird, distressing experiences she has ever been in! Was she turning into an unscrupulous mindless wreckage piece, with clipped wings that grounded her.... She cradled like a baby in the refuge she sort. Her near and dear ones, close to her heart, conscience and soul.

Her apparent diffidence in solving her problems did not go with her stern belief in herself which amounted to a delusional extent. Was it a delusion as they say or is there something that she could do with the belief, trust in self to be good.

She gathered all her effort to move past her doubts and fears of getting stereotyped. She said repeatedly to herself that she was going to do it. She was a tormented soul who needed solace. She needed a breather, she was stuck getting nowhere and so she took a break from Life. Stuck in the frozen stillness of Life didn’t do any better to her so she just had to take a break from life. She lost all accounts of happenings around her, no hold over anything and was as flat tyred as a punctured vehicle stuck on a highway watching other vehicles zoom by. That is when she decided for it- To live life like a galloping horse; focused, determined and in style.

Mridula was a qualified architect married to another handsome architect, leading a tumultuous insecurelife. Saved was too clever for her and the hard times that her marriage took her froze her to stillness. It was fortunate for her that he was a conservative and believed in the social system of marriage for he wouldn’t go past her that easily. He seemed not concerned on the emotional investment side of it. There were very minimum interactions between them and there were many instances when life had gotten out of her hands. She was at a loss to figure out and make an account of her life or to come to terms with it.

As an eligible spinster Mridula had not many dreams or preconceived notions about her future husband.She was very practical and had taken this character after her father much to her brothers dismay. The family dynamics drove her to hell many times. Daddy and Chettan (brother) never got off well together. Chettan was a highly strung temperamental guy and had problems keeping his Job. Despite the heavy current of sibling rivalry Mridula felt the love and concern her brother had for her. They were part of a common system, branches of a tree and had so many emotional tentacles bonding them. Life hadn’t been easy for both of them. The growing insecurity with which they grew and the way they looked up on their parents made up their emotional baggages. Did their parents really love them ? The looming question over their heads did weigh down on their activities. The untimely demise of her mother had upset the family integration totally. According to Mridula, Amma was a noble soul who believed that her children ought to be loved deeply, given good care and have high moral standards. Amma had always thought that her fate as a home maker musn’t be repeated with her daughter as well. She always told her during study time, “Mridu make u’r studies thorough, drink them up like water”. She took extra effort to encourage and build on her strengths to do well in her studies.

Mridula turned out to be luckier than her chettan because she had found a strong hold in her father andmother. Her father had a fondly tender affectionate nature towards her and made sure she wasn’t disturbed anyway. This had been their equation since her childhood very much in contrast to daddys relationship with chettan. They had a tempestuous relationship. It was with a heavy heart that Amma and Mridula watched her brother whipped, locked out of the house and some such terrible situations where according to Daddy chettan was to be straightened up. It was astonishing to Mridula that despite all these offences that her father committed, her brother still relied on him so thoroughly, even emulating him many times.

At times it was beyond him to be a loving brother as she wandered in her imagination of a fine worldwhere there were no incivilities. To her surprise he found that disgusting. He wanted her to come down to see this real world which she did not wish to.

She could not fathom the clichΓ©d saying “Marriages are made in heaven “. Still, she did experience theinvisible something that brought people together or broke them away. Through the journey of life we meet and part with people with honor and blessings. She remembered the day she had been to meet him. She had no idea if she was right in doing so and if she did deserve the encounter. She now thought, o why did I bring myself together to go see him, the experience of those moments seeing his face so full of compassion and affection yet wanting to teach her a lesson broke her apart. She stood there under the skies which parted to shower and she was amazed!! Were those showers of blessings from the heavens!!! Her inner soul lay dormant having no interactions with her immediate thoughts. That was an event which sheared herself from her soul.

The art and science of ironing relationships and sneaking out of the pits found along the journey of lifedid not come easy. But yes, growing up pains eased up with the refuge in the family where one could re-posture, reposition and realign thoughts and feelings with one’s purpose in life. Her refuge in the social system of Family took her out of her depths of despair and misery.

Monday, April 8, 2024

World health day 2024

 The broad contains the Specific. The specific grass with its mild soft touch is a wonder if not soothing settling enough. The world with its soft green energy may not be enough to overcome the oceanic blue. The ocean is beautiful,  do they still see our beautiful earth as a blue dottu  ! The social currency is that you make yourself sailable not become a ruined c star ( ref. See my ' why i continue living' piece). Being the truth cannot become my life many times. The social currency is stacked on top of the truth. Driven in the current flow , the river entering the ocean is a spectacle at it's mouth. It's a mighty ocean which does brim it's top, the sea level rising, with it cost al life changes. The truth is contained in the untruth. Rather the untruth has the truth. ' My health , My right ' requires the truth be removed from untruth. Hail my health my God ! Happy World Health day ! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Why I continue living !


I fear the the depths of a sea. Going down today where my lungs flood with the gooey growth harmone. Out of air in my lungs.  I cough up the flowy lava inside and stomach it up. The acidity neutralises it. Yes my Gut has cooled down my Love !  The microbiome happens to be somewhat friendly now. The buggers no longer mean trouble but in fact assimilate so well what's inside. I see light again, the head torch on. Deep down in the C , Does watching the C stars melt on the coast tell they are paying  their taxes readily 4 looking so bright and sprightly. But no I am seeing the ruin coming up. The ruins of millions going down. Getting reminded of the definitely gentle beautiful Wat ruins of Buri ram in Thailand bordering Cambodia.But I had learnt that some construction happens only after some destruction. So I Watch intently the depbts,  I owe harmoney their due. I continue living for harmony of my loved and dear ones. The big fat lie that we tell ourselves to secretly live my life. I do what I love and what keeps me going. Damn the C i leap out and am a maid once again, the nice arisen lady with a fish's tail who loves her tale as much as her goddess like bust.