
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Coming home

Coming home 
It's where my heart is 
To take in my heart 
I traverse the distance 
Under the rule of nature
 Go past the hindering frequencies
 Likes speak the same jargon
 I love the wandering clouds 
The birds formation on their flight
 The tender breeze on my face
 The heavenly showers
 Cooling the land down
 Bathing the grass and the birds
 They wash clean the surface
 The cleansing and healing
 Of my heart I am going back home
 Where I hear the birds 
 Crying, squeaking, chirping, calling 
In their language not foreign to me 
The butterflies flutter
 Moving my heart
There is a gentle breeze
I keep my heart safe
 The little lamp burning 
From the lash of tides
That once damped it down
Praying with all my might
 For all that which keeps me going
 Thanks for the air I take in
 With the sounds and sights
Of such lovely beings
Who are in my home
A lukewarm heart
Where there are no aggressions
The rain drops tinkle
The streams they make
Carrying the old flowers away
My heart sings afresh with the rain drops
The heavens have shown
The magic of connection
 Brings alive my loving home once again.