
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Invisible world

There is a hidden world out there , beyond our view. A world where the dead live, our hopes, aspirations live , where the beliefs and values exist  What makes up the invisible world ?Beginning with the powerful microbial world of viruses and bacteria and moving on to the the major invisible forces  involved in community organisation which includes political, legal , economical forces, the cultural, demographic and historical elements .  

Man is a social animal and it is not possible to look at a human in isolation. Much like the basic needs of food and water , social connection is also a survival need for man. i stumbled upon the info on the existence of social structures while looking around for a structure to the invisible world around us. Complex concepts are best explained by visualisations and metaphors. This framework by Josina Vink caught my eye. She proposes a  framework which make the invisible social structures visible, the iceberg framework.

What this concept depicts is that there exists a visible tip of the iceberg which are physical enactments but submerged in the ocean and below the line of visibility are the enormous institutional pillars of regulation, norms and culture. Underpinning our physical enactments in life are these enormous institutional pillars which play the role of regulatory, normative and culture cognitive functions. These forces shape our lives mediated through our minds. There is so much of a push , pressure and bother to take upon and steer through , which we act upon in our everyday lives. May be this elaboration of the invisible forces will allow me to be aware of and give due credentials for the world around in my physical enactments. Hopefully recognition of these forces would lead to better decisions and management. 

Getting reminded of an african proverb which says a child not embraced by the village burns the village down to feel its warmth. An example of the autoregulatory forces at play. 

The natural ecosystem design is such that there is a way out to keep self sufficiency and sustainability in flow.  There may be a lot of visible and invisible forces to reckon with and so move on with the push and jostling just remembering that its that big whole universal forces acting through us. This is not to give up an internal locus of control and to look outside for factors to disown our own responsibility of being well. I do regard the internal locus of control with an understanding that there are lots to make up that self. 


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