
Tuesday, March 5, 2024


I heard eyes are peepholes into the souls of mankind
Jeez ! did i go up the mountain upto moses
To be sent as a sacrificial lamb
Deed i sizzle up and down
Even went in a swirl 
stepping on my toes and taken around
God's presence in the twinkle
Power to see and connect
Remains in my heart
Noor i look for you and 
Lo ! i found you
Stubborn not to work it out
Sported to a bridge across horizon
From rained oasis to a swirling desert
Grounded in the green pasture 
Deed do we toss up and get carried
Leaving no foot prints
On the c shore but carried along
Eye is where 
Its not a twinkle always
But transmission of pain and Joy
We are not Gods or immortals
But we are what we C

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