
Sunday, March 31, 2024



Callocity , a dwelling space  of the powerful

Men stand their ground and pull it out 

Spun out into the softest yarn

Sweetest nectar and ambrosia

Manipulation net, works the horizon.


Social engineering spreads out the capital

Unearthed and decoded resources

Yes, my heart and heat withstood

Flowers are burning

Climate justice slowgun on.

Neuronal circuitry fires in the air

Scampered around ,a  hare in haste

And Harness a scaffold 

Is there a defender of my wilderness

I look around and bind.

In the wilderness

Aftermath of a razored blaze

Sun , a sharp burn in the center of it all

Peril of a scorched up earth

Not to rake up sun for it all.

Down the hole in O zone layer

Does it comes like zooming 

Into a rabbit hole on Internet

Look around for that lightness

Not in a black hole any longer.

A Black hole 

A ruptured dying star 

Not loved in return

For all the blazing love it gives

Used to implode into itself.

The breaks in the O zone layer

Had let in the harm

But the rabbit hole took it's turn

Did I lead into different worlds

And turned a different leaf.

Water colour paintings of flowers

A flower manifesting nature's fullness

Blossom, a sunshine of joy for all

Learn a lesson they behold

Compassion, love and brightness they told.

The earth cools down

Heading up the path of feminine

Holding  together grace and strength

Sure to bring down the callous

Know who built the golden cage.

Women of love and care 

Confined to the golden cage 

Serving the master with stories and songs

break down the cage with their arms

Holding their hearts up the sleeves.

Verses flow of love and tenderness 

Mothering , fathering ,brothering, sistering

All come into me together 

The damaged O zone layer patched up

No harm come into me any more.

Mother earth warm and strong

With tenderness and softness 

Into her children

May be a flower or a toad

But do they turn into what they hold .

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