
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Contemplation Vs Rumination

Contemplation Vs Rumination 

Had a good realisation the other day when i became aware of my tendency to ruminate.  I would get caught up in a loop where i think about an incident for example an interaction and run it in my mind again and again in cycles. I also see that the result of those thoughts running in circles in my head most of the time did not lead to any beneficial outcome. Its an energy drainer. Having said that i have also had positive outcomes out of running some cycles in my head. But there was a difference. Those cycles which brought some beneficial outcome  was more of an act of contemplation or reflection where my attention and awareness was in charge and in control. Found this analogy of rumination to be a state of mind which is like a bull wandering around in a china shop. It's damaging, destructive and reckless. In stark opposite to rumination is contemplation where the mind is calm, alert, still and awakened.  Contemplation is a careful deliberation. Contemplation is attained with mental discipline and is a meditative exercise.   

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