
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Detoured Voyages

 Detoured Voyages

Grounds for a shattered journey,
To take wing but later be clipped down slowly,
Are from bereavement, defeat and illness,
To broken will, heart and mind frozen to stillness,
A path detoured from the destined,
A deviation so unexpectedly happened.

She was full of life and a person so warm,
That fateful day my house was in a swarm,
Of people who spoke in hushed up tone,
They meant no harm and did mourn.
As the car drew close to home slowly,
Out from me rose a shrilly cry!
It struck me like a thunderstorm,
That she was not waiting at home as they had informed.
I wept with my head buried low into my hands,
Was it real that God had it in his plans to have her in his lands?
They took me close to where she lay in state,
I Crashed down beside her and cursed my fate,
She was wrapped in her new sari which she had kept for a better day,
She looked ashen and grey
I clung to her feet and ammaa I cried,   
Oh! She felt so tight and cold.
My journey with her lay broken and to what I behold,
A life without her, story half told.
My life took a turn,
To a one so forlorn,
From a life that would have had her by my stead,
A different lee way began indeed.
The destination beckons us up,
But where is she to pull me up.

He was there with me,
Delved I into faith and hope,
It was a smooth ride of nurture and cope.
But there did wobble the table of family,
Down to three legs from four and with need more than supply,
But we get set and went on with the itinerary,
That was simply just for an attorney.  

The uphill trek rift with tough choices to make,
What to be and become, the mind would rake,
To work hard and diligently,
To reach the pinnacle supremely,
Life with a mixture of successes and failures to savor,
Definitely what was there was in my favor,
The wheel of life moved on and on,
 Until the shattering once again took me upon,
With no hold on a life I had dreamt,
With my mind so frozen and failed to attempt,
To lead a family and a career unbeaten,
Became a farce and existed no life of emotion.
Nevertheless to lead a life with support for a while,
Till the wounds and disorders are thrown in a pile,
To a world so high,
For lord to mend it and make me buy,
With my possible focus of devotion and faith
Waiting am I with baited breath,
To keep sailing along,
Against the tempest so long!!

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