
Monday, September 16, 2013

Life in Malawi

It’s been 3 years now, lovely, making us look back with peace and love for the place. More so with no forced intrusions (touch wood!) and bundling up whatsoever, into our living space we have not had major deterrents to move forward with our plans to explore Malawi. A mix of peaceful, positive, pleasant and not to fail to mention the little painful ones; events that unfolded during our stay here, have been part of the many life turns that we have taken.

 Enjoying the Malawian weather, a mostly pleasant weather all through the year, the best we have ever experienced in our lives gave a comfortable atmosphere to stay here. Though not a hard core naturalist, nature in Malawi has opened up that little some-thing which stops u in the track of life. Makes u take in that fresh breath of air, gaze at the not far away mountains, admire the greenery amidst the evened out sheeted houses (most of them with beautiful gardens). All of them lend so much comfort to the explorer’s eye it’s literally far away from the madding crowd. 

Lake Malawi


Although much of our time was spent at work, school, or home alone (my parents); together time was mostly during week -ends and outings. Week -ends have been filled with marketing activities, fun with friends at home, occasional bhajanas and occasional malayalee association meetings.  Mostly all extended week-ends were spent out of home at the lake or the mountain. The lake “sense” and value is the same for everyone in Malawi irrespective of class or creed. If it is for the trading benefits among settlements along the shores, for people from the towns the scenic beauty with astonishing sunsets and rises are invaluable. The Mulanje mountain stands out strikingly inviting people for a trek. Children were also at a receiving end of the wonderful Malawian experience with an exciting (better read computer,video games) atmosphere even at school. However they were also awakened about the dangers nature is going through and learning to figure out the best way forward – eye openers they brought back home.  

Trek on Mt.Mulanje

 The new turn of events as to mention has been that ever changing fresher outlook on life. Living a life of comfort amidst the overwhelming misery that mankind can’t hold has turned on a new perspective of worldly humane care. Getting closer to the miserable brings in that challenging condition of questioning one’s integrity and conscience. The churning in of interactions with the miserable has unfolded a state of restlessness where unsettling questions on; humanity, humane care and what is life for, have once again cropped up. Though not new, these matters have always made a profound impact on us as a couple working in the field of community development.

Looking back at these 3 years( it was during onam we landed here) and events that have unfolded, there have been cherished thoughts, moving sentiments and fruitful actions. Our way of relating or relations to the world are evolving; the reflections about the world as a family we are getting closer on it; community life has evoked the many good lessons on obligations and individual stands.  There have been blessed times of delightful positive composure despite the hard splitting moments of “pride and prejudice”. I am afraid the heavy Indian myths and culture despite an all enlightening philosophy on life has still instigated a divide on Indian society. I fear to death the day our children take the divide and start fighting over all and sundry. That would be the most pathetic thing to happen. It’s amazing how these lingering thoughts about Indian social life still haunts us in Malawi!! I earnestly hope things change for the better.

The cherished garden of life with all the beauty and charm emanating; the essence flowing on taking the dry and old with the fresh and new, the bad and vice with the good and virtue. God bless Malawi and us!!!

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