
Friday, November 11, 2022

Placid waters

 Placid waters 

Sway of intense Mental states
From outpours of  gushing love
Or blaze up of burning hate ,
Hope that takes us to the moon
Or sunken despair to ocean depths, 
Of adoration with devotion and worship
Or tearing down with doubts and spite.
Getting into that plane and level 
Where there are no pairs of opposites
And realised is the transcended truth 
Of a state that takes down polarities
Settling into a state of calm and peace 
Just a gracious know of what is
There are no opposite polars 
Exists just a sea of shades 
From open vacant spaces in the head
Which allows to take in what is
Many a times no words to fix
Just a swim through many possibilities 
It's not a tumultuous tempest 
Just a swim through placid waters.


  1. Very beautifully expressed. True, that state of accepting life without the outbursts and tempest, always with hope would be blissful.

    1. Yes Rams. Just being aware, open to what is makes us more present , balanced, insightful and poised. Thanks for responding dear.
