
Friday, July 2, 2021



I have been thinking of persistence and not quitting early, these days. It's been a major thing in my life. Some of my major decisions in Life which has shaped me up to what I am now has somehow been those bad decisions and it could have gotten better with me not taking those decisions that way. I quit early, gave up on myself and chose the easy way out while taking those bad decisions. Its my idea that looking back and seeing how it could have gotten better with good decision making skills, is a good learning procedure. One can at least make sure that similar decisions are not taken again. Especially the past two decades of living has shown that one skill to be developed is persistence. I need to build the stamina to keep moving forward through obstacles. It may be the faith that is lacking or lack of love and devotion to the work that I am pursuing which has resulted in those abrupt dismissals. So here is my learning exercise to build up faith, love , devotion and grace in the work that I am doing.    

Looking at this word cloud on perseverance has opened up my mind a little more on what I want to think. 


-The art of love is largely the art of persistence.

-All great successes are triumph of persistence.

-Energy and persistence conquers all things.

-You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act but a habit.

-Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not : nothing is more common than an unsuccessful talented person. Genius will not : unrewarded genius is a proverb. Education will not : world is full of educated failures. Only determination and persistence are omnipotent.  

The above are some good quotes on persistence.

There are some pitfalls to persistence. One of it is the sunken phenomenon. Here people stick on to their their original decision despite better alternatives because of the sunken cost of time and power spent on persisting in an original decision. Other pitfalls are you tend to become aggressive, selfish, overbearing when you are persistent with your goals. when one is persistent there is the chance of not being able to consider or see the other persons point of view. Also there is the danger of burnout and overwhelm when one is persisting on . 

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