
Saturday, October 23, 2021



Looks like I have reached a spot where a reevaluation of Life values and a rethinking of way of life is warranted. It has amounted to some liking for spirituality related talks and religious teachings. Have found the concept of spirituality enamouring for the time being. Hope it is just not like yet another fad in life. What appears from the readings of religious scriptures is that the brahman , the self , the soul , the God or the eternal consciousness is the ultimate goal in Life. A reordering of priorities in Life with attainment of God (Ishwarah praptih) as the most important goal of Life is what is asked for.

This recognition of a feeling or a sense or a belief that there is something greater than myself is an uplifting experience. I have been identifying myself with the body, mind ,intelligence, ego and when I let that identification go it is liberating. Instead I identify with the self , the soul or atman . I am the soul and not the body is the first dictum learned from Hindu scriptures. The religious scriptures have enumerated the qualities of the supreme universal soul. When one goes through those qualities and understands that we all inherently have those qualities but the layers and layers of impurities covering the soul unmanifests those qualities. They are lost. This process of spiritual journey where one starts the reflections, contemplations and thinking of the self would lead to self realisation. Actualisation and realisations of those qualities of the self is the pinnacle.

This connection with the self , crossing over through the layers of impurities would lead to glimpses of bliss, peace and happiness. I guess it is an important self development tool to get on with this spiritual journey and despite being just a speck of dust in this universe we get that confidence to fulfil our roles well. A personal transformation with shift in the mental framework is what is anticipated out of a spiritual awakening. A life of surrender and devotion to God puts us on a path where one is liberated from the bondages and miseries of worldly life. We are bound in this worldly life of unending wants- lust, anger and greed (LAG). To attain moksha or liberation from this bondage the scriptures devises ways. Devotion- Bhakthi marga or developing a fondness and affection for God is considered the easiest way to Moksha. How we overcome the six enemies or impurities  of Kama (Lust), krodha (Anger), moha (delusion), lobah (Greed), mada (Pride) and matsarya (jealousy) and be able to connect with the self is the challenge in this spiritual path. How to declutter the mind of these enemies of self realisation ? The Spiritual sadana taught by Spiritual Gurus are important resources to do that and attain self realisation.          


  1. Vinita, nice blog post. It was calming to read this and made me realise the importance of slowing down the pace of life. Going to make a cup of tea and wishing you were sitting across the table with me and enjoyed the tea with ne. Miss you!

    1. Thanks Deepa. I felt good to sit up and consolidate some learnings and thoughts. Don't know when we will be able to meet up again. But despite all the time and space thanks to technology we are able to connect.

  2. While I am not there and right now love my vices equally😊, it makes me immensely happy to see you are transforming your life in the direction that you wish to tread. So pleased to see you make progress on the spiritual front. I know how important it is for you. Wonderfully written, thank you for your insight, Vini.

    1. Your spirit rubs on me pri. Your light hearted, playful and modern intellect sets the balance for me. Thanks dear.

  3. Hi Vini, great to read and ponder about your thoughts on spirituality.

  4. Thanks for making time to read it Suni.

  5. Hi Vinitha, good writing.., and conveys the essense of Advaita.. to identify with the ultimate consciousness, we have to detach from the mind and body and take a vantage point to observe the play, that is life. You have conveyed this message in an elegant way. Desire is the root cause of suffering.. As you rightly pointed out,to be happy and peaceful, one should relinquish L,A and G, these are the three gateways to hell, as Bhagavad Gita says, "tri-vidhaṁ narakasyedaṁ dvāraṁ nāśhanam ātmanaḥ
    kāmaḥ krodhas tathā lobhas tasmād etat trayaṁ tyajet" (16:9)

    1. Thanks a lot for the feedback. Was eagerly waiting for it just to make sure i was on the right track.🙏🙏
