
Monday, April 8, 2024

World health day 2024

 The broad contains the Specific. The specific grass with its mild soft touch is a wonder if not soothing settling enough. The world with its soft green energy may not be enough to overcome the oceanic blue. The ocean is beautiful,  do they still see our beautiful earth as a blue dottu  ! The social currency is that you make yourself sailable not become a ruined c star ( ref. See my ' why i continue living' piece). Being the truth cannot become my life many times. The social currency is stacked on top of the truth. Driven in the current flow , the river entering the ocean is a spectacle at it's mouth. It's a mighty ocean which does brim it's top, the sea level rising, with it cost al life changes. The truth is contained in the untruth. Rather the untruth has the truth. ' My health , My right ' requires the truth be removed from untruth. Hail my health my God ! Happy World Health day ! 

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